CACMS - Golden Content Management System
Component Browser org.cacms.component.componentbrowser.ComponentBrowserComponent

The Component Browser component allows to browse currently loaded components. The component to be browsed can be choosen using a select box.

Its main use is definitively on the CaCMS homepage where we want to allow visitors to browse all available components.

Component Listing org.cacms.component.componentlisting.ComponentListingComponent

The Component Listing component shows a list of currently loaded components.

Its main use is definitively on the CaCMS homepage where we want to show all listing of available components.

Components org.cacms.component.components.ComponentsComponent

The Components component manages the deployed components.

It shows the currently deployed components and allows to deploy- and undeploy components.

Configure org.cacms.component.configure.ConfigureComponent

The Configure component allows an administrator to update the configuration of CaCMS.

Contacts org.cacms.component.contacts.ContactsComponent

The Contacts component manages contacts for a container. It shows a small box with a list of contacts.

Container Selector org.cacms.component.containerselector.ContainerSelectorComponent

The Container Selector component shows a dropdown box to select the current container.

You may configure the component to show this dropdown box only when the user is logged in using hideVisitors.

Database Restore org.cacms.component.databaserestore.DatabaseRestoreComponent

The Database Restore component shows available backup files and allows it to upload a backup file to restore the database to a certain state.

Description Sections org.cacms.component.descriptionsections.DescriptionSectionsComponent

The Description Sections component generates an ordered list of description sections. A description section contains a title and some text content.

Description Sections Visitor org.cacms.component.descriptionsectionsvisitor.DescriptionSectionsVisitorComponent

The Description Sections Visitor component allows visitors to add a description section to a container. No login is required and only adding is allowed.

Div org.cacms.component.div.DivComponent

The Div component uses another component's HTML and wraps it inside a 'div' tag. On top it adds a link to hide the div.

This component supports the following configuration parameters:

  • component: The classname of the component to wrap.
  • collapsed: If set to any string, the div will be hidden upon request of the page.

Hint: If you wrap components that may occur multiple times per container, either wrap them all, or wrap none of them. Its not possible to do it just for some of them, because the div component counts component occurrences on its own and therefore would collide with the component counter of CaCMS.

Editor org.cacms.component.editor.EditorComponent

The Editor component shows the name of the editor of a container. The editor may either be a contact from the contacts table or a custom text.

Form org.cacms.component.form.FormComponent

The Form component allows to generate arbitrary forms.

Users or clients may be presented with such a form and may submit it afterwards. Editors can configure which fields are to be included in a form and what messages are to be printed.

Further Information org.cacms.component.furtherinformation.FurtherInformationComponent

The Further Information component allows you to associate further information with a container. Further information can be links to documents or links to other websites.

The FI component show a box for each type of further information you have associated with a container.

It does not allow you to upload files to a container, it only provides the linking and displaying. To upload files use the upload component.


The Gallery component shows a picture gallery. No editing by editors is possible.

An administrator may configure the gallery picture root as well as the place where to store scaled versions of the pictures.

This component supports the following configuration parameters:

  • docroot: Mandatory configuration parameter defining the document root of your picture gallery. You may use absolute paths like 'c:/data/picgallery/albums' or '/data/picgallery/albums' or you may use relative paths like 'docroot/upload/12/albums'. Relative paths are resolved against the current working directory. For the standalone version this is the directory holding the run script. For the webapp version this is where the webapp container was started.
  • cachedir: Optional configuration parameter defining the cache location where scaled version of your pictures will be stored. The same syntax rules apply as for the docroot parameter.
  • cols: Optional configuration parameter defining the number of columns used on the selection pages (album selection or picture selection)

Notes for Linux users:

  1. Since this component uses Java AWT libraries, you need to start Java in headless mode (-Djava.awt.headless=true) if you don't have a display - which might be the case for a server machine.
  2. The Sun Java VM for Linux needs some X libs to be installed. If you get an error like "j2sdk/jre/lib/i386/ libX...: cannot open shared object file" Then you have to install some X libs.
GoPublic org.cacms.component.gopublic.GoPublicComponent

The Go Public component manages the visitor reading permissions.

This component grants or revokes reading permission for the visitor user. If there exists no visitor user, the user management package from cacms core will create one and associate it with the visitor group.

Guestbook org.cacms.component.guestbook.GuestbookComponent

Guestbook Component This component enables a visitor to leave a message on the homepage with a header, a homepage and email address and a comment. Furtherone the visitor can choose if he wants to be automatically notified by emali if other visitors leave new messages in the guestbook.

The administrator can edit and delete guestbook entries in the administrator view.

Hello CaCMS org.cacms.component.hellocacms.HelloCaCMSComponent

The Hello CaCMS component show a simple hello string. This component is explained as an example in the CaCMS Developer Guide.

Html org.cacms.component.html.HtmlComponent

The HTML component is a very basic component and does very little, but still its an important component, because a lot can be done with it.

All it does is show an HTML string and allow editors to edit this string. Since its possible to do a variety of different things within a single HTML string, this component will most likely be used, when other components are to unflexible to accomplish a task.

This component can be used multiple times within a single container.

IFrame org.cacms.component.iframe.IFrameComponent

The IFrame component shows an HTML IFrame (inline frame). An editor may edit its source, its width and its height.

The IFrame component is in its implementation very similar to the HTML component but restricts the HTML string stored in the database to hold an iframe.

Images org.cacms.component.images.ImagesComponent

The Images component shows an image. It allows editors, to link and image and define the image width, height, ...

This component does not handle uploading of images. Use the upload component to do this.

You may use this component more than once per container.

Include org.cacms.component.include.IncludeComponent

The Include component includes HTML, CSS and JavaScript files from the current upload directory into the output generated by CaCMS.

How HTML files (files ending with .html) are included:
While index.html is generated, this component returns the HTML content of all files in the upload directory which end with .html.

How CSS files (files ending with .css) are included:
While cacms.css is generated, this component returns the style information of all files in the upload directory which end with .css.

How JavaScript files (files ending with .js) are included:
While index.html is generated, CaCMS asks each component for the JavaScript paths to reference. This component then returns the paths to all files in the upload directory which end with .js.

Last Edited org.cacms.component.lastedited.LastEditedComponent

The Last Edited component shows the date and time when a container was last edited along with the user who did edit it.

This component supports the following configuration parameters:

  • show: if configured and not set to true, the generated HTML will not be shown. This is used, for websites, which want to show the last edited string outside of the container content area. In such a case, you would put an instance of this component into each container layout and configure them with show='false' to keep track of modifications. You don't need this parameter, if you place the last edited string inside the container content area.
  • dateformat: allows you to define the format in which the datetime will be shown. Use patterns according to java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
Link Categorizer org.cacms.component.linkcategorizer.LinkCategorizerComponent

The link categorizer component manages a set of links and allows to group them by category

Login org.cacms.component.login.LoginComponent

The Login component provides a simple login page showing a username and a password.

Login Menu org.cacms.component.loginmenu.LoginMenuComponent

The Login Menu component shows a login link or if logged in a list of admin links:

  • to edit a container
  • to create a new container
  • to change the system configuration
  • or to logout
Mail Tester org.cacms.component.mailtester.MailTesterComponent

A very simple component for administrators to test if their mail sending configuration works.

Member Manager org.cacms.component.membermanager.MemberManagerComponent

The member manager component does... TODO


The Menu comonent shows a hierarchical listing of all the containers.

It supports the following configuration attributes:

  • hideNoContent: set to any value to hide the 'No Content' String
  • minLevel: set the minimum starting level to be shown (defaults to 0)
Menu Siblings org.cacms.component.menusiblings.MenuSiblingsComponent

The Siblings Menu component generates a menu which shows siblings at a configured level.

This component supports the following configuration attributes:

  • level

It reuses the ActionOpenedContainers from the standard menu component and therefore depends on the menu component.

Music List org.cacms.component.musiclist.MusicListComponent

A simple component displaying a list of all music files found in the upload directory of the current container.

To show images instead of filenames, you may put images into the same directory as the musicfile and call the image the same as the music file having just a different ending.

To show a single image for all music files, place an image with the filename 'musicicon.[png | gif | jpg]' into the base upload directory of this container.


The Name component allows to edit the name of a container.

Every container has a name. There is no need to always show it to visitors, but it still might make sens to have a name for a container besides its id.

By default this component does not show the name (show='false'), you can enable it, by setting show='true'.


The News component shows a list of news. A news entry consists of a datetime, a title and some content.

Editors may add, modify or remove news entries, change the layout of the three datafields (datetime, title and content), configure the dataformat and define, how many news entry should be shown to visitors.

News Layout org.cacms.component.newslayout.NewsLayoutComponent

The News Layout component allows to edit the news layouts of the current container.

Editing news layouts is not a part of the news component, because a news view component would also like to have its separate news layout.

News View org.cacms.component.newsview.NewsViewComponent

The News View component allows to have another view to an existing News component. With another view we mean show existing news entries using different attributes and a different layout.

Perm Manager org.cacms.component.permmanager.PermManagerComponent

The Permission Manager component allows CaCMS administrators to update the permissions of a group. Each user is assigned to any number of groups and gets the set of permissions assigned to these groups.

Permissions are assigned at container level. That is, a user/group may either have permission on all components of a container or on none.

CaCMS knows about read and write permissions which can either be assigned to a single container or to a container and recursively to all its children. The more specific a permission right is set, the higher is its priority.

The default permissions are: Reading is allowed, writing is prohibited.

This component only allows to change permissions. To add, update or remove users/groups use the User Manager component.

Picture Menu org.cacms.component.picturemenu.PictureMenuComponent

The Picture Menu shows a menu using pictures inside a list. The list may be configured to use a table or a unordered list HTML element.

The containers which should be shown in the menu can be configured. The supported settings are the same as in the Text List Menu and are also explained there.

Each container which is to be shown has to provide two pictures in his upload directory. On which is used if selected, another to be used if not selected. The filenames have to follow the following format:

containerName.[gif | png | jpg] and containerNameExtended.[gif | png | jpg]

The extended container name is the container name suffixed with the 'onMouseOverExtension'. The default extension is '_over', but it may be configured using an attribute.

You may also specify a suffix which is added to the picture name after the container name. This allows to have several sets of pictures for a single container.

Random Picture org.cacms.component.randompicture.RandomPictureComponent

The Random Picture component shows a picture which it chooses at random from a given directory.

The directory to choose pictures from may be configured as an attribute in the component tag. The output of the component may either be HTML (an img tag) or CSS where the picture becomes the background of a configured HTML element (specified by its element ID).

Rank org.cacms.component.rank.RankComponent

The Rank component allows editors to modify the rank of containers. It shows a text box to enter the rank of a container.

Related To org.cacms.component.relatedto.RelatedToComponent

The Related To component manages the hierarchy of containers. It allows editors to choose the parent of a given container.

Screenshot org.cacms.component.screenshot.ScreenshotComponent

The Screenshot component shows an image, normally a screenshot. It allows editors to upload a screenshot. After uploading the screenshot, it will be scaled to a configured width and height.

Sys Info org.cacms.component.sysinfo.SysInfoComponent

A component which shows some information about the system on which CaCMS is running. Useful for debugging.

Tabular Gallery org.cacms.component.tabulargallery.TabularGalleryComponent

To use this component, simply add a component tag to the layout of this container and create an 'albums' directory in this container's upload directory. Then fill this directory with album directories which in turn store the real pictures.

The working of this component may be adapted by the following configuration attributes:

  • columns: Number of columns to use in selection tables.
  • showAlbumNames: Show album names?
  • showPictureNames: Show picture names?
  • showPictureCount: Show picture count?
  • resolutions and hideOriginalResolution: See below
  • randomAlbumThumbnail: Should album thumbnail be selected randomly?

Howto configure the available resolutions in the select box above a single picture:
The resolutions and hideOriginalResolution configuration attributes allow you to specify which resolutions should be selectable.
The values shown are the resolutions given in the resolutions configuration attribute plus the original resolution if hideOriginalResolution is not set to 'true'. The format of the resolutions configuration attribute is an integer list separated by comma.
If no resolution is selected, the first configured resolution will be used. If no such resolution is configured, the original resolution will be used. Be aware, that if you don't set the resolutions configuration attribute, a single default resolution of '512px' is used.
As a first example: If you specify the resolutions to '512,640' and do not set the hideOriginalResolution attribute, the resolutions 512, 640 and the original resolutions will be selectable. As a second example assume you only want to show the original resolution. You can do that by setting resolutions to an empty string and not configure the hideOriginalResolution attribute.

Tabular Gallery Collector org.cacms.component.tabulargallerycollector.TabularGalleryCollectorComponent

This component looks for all galleries in this CaCMS instance. For each gallery found, a link to that gallery is produced.

The component may be configured to show/hide the names of the found containers.

To use this component, simply add a component tag to the layout of this container.

Template Editor org.cacms.component.templateeditor.TemplateEditorComponent

The Template Editor component allows to create and modify templates. The templates are then used by the containers to layout their content.

CaCMS editors may use this component to edit the templates assigned to the container being edited. CaCMS administrators can as well create new templates and modify all existing ones.

This component does not associate containers with templates, to do this, use the Template Selector component.

Template Selector org.cacms.component.templateselector.TemplateSelectorComponent

The Template Selector component allows to change the associations between templates and container.

Editors may choose templates to use for the current container.

Administrators can see which containers use which templates and make changes to all the associations between templates and containers.

Text List Menu org.cacms.component.textlistmenu.TextListMenuComponent

The Text List Menu shows a menu using text inside a list.

The containers which should be shown in the menu can be configured. Possible settings allow to show children, siblings (with or without current container) and parent. Besides that its also possible to add all containers of a given level of the container hierarchy to the list of containers to be shown.

Themes org.cacms.component.themes.ThemesComponent

The Themes component is used by CaCMS administrators to upload and update themes.

Title org.cacms.component.title.TitleComponent

The Title component stores a title for a container.

Upload org.cacms.component.upload.UploadComponent

The Upload component allows editors and administrators to upload files. But it also allows to create directories, to move and/or rename files and directories and to delete files or directories.

User Manager org.cacms.component.usermanager.UserManagerComponent

The User Manager component allows CaCMS administrators to update the users/groups allowed to login on this website.

Permissions in CaCMS grant or prohibit access to containers.
Users are assigned to groups and groups in turn are given certain permissions.

This component only allows to modify users and groups, but not the permissions assigned to groups. To change permissions use the Permission Manager component.